10+ ways to use videos

When I was in Antigua I discussed the benefits of recording video with 2 “very reluctant” business owners. And now, they say it’s the best thing they’ve ever done

I’ve been using video for a few years now and wanted to share the benefits of video marketing with you. I mean, it’s not like people aren’t aware of WHAT videos are, but as a marketing tactic, there are a few reasons that not using video may be stunting your business growth.

By 2022, 82% of the World’s Internet Traffic Will Be Video [Cisco Study]

I have been actively using video now for a while now and more so since the introduction of video on social media platforms (being a big user of social media)! Video has been so powerful in increasing my brand visibility and connecting me globally too – I’ve been in conversation with people from all over the world because of my videos and mainly through my activity on social media. The below video was done (mic-less) as an example of how great videos are for capturing feedback and ideas. Below is are two examples of two ladies who used to dislike video, but have began to use it with success in their business

How Can Video Marketing Save You Time

The main advantage for me is that, as someone who is full of ideas, video saves me time and effort of having to write and rewrite everything.

Main advantages are:

– to connect with your colleagues, followers/fans

– being able to demonstrate that you know your stuff!

– a way to get your brand noticed

Here’s how I’ve been using video consistently in my business:


Facebook live and stories


– Instagram Reels

– Periscope (via Twitter)

– Twitter replies

Instagram Stories

-Instagram TV IGTV

-Facebook Stories (on my Facebook business and Group pages)

And let us not forget Snapchat and YouTube

I’m really enjoying training and coaching clients how to use video to grow your business! I’d love to know if you’re using video and how you’re finding it too.

Ready to get started?

Message the page @insight2marketing on Facebook or Instagram for 9 ways that you can use video in your business.

Plus, I’ve pulled together some handy links for you in the list below, DIY style!

Twitter video tips here

Facebook with video here

Instagram videos here

Snapchat video chat here

Periscope here

Oh and here is a related link for Royalty free music

Create and edit videos for free

I can recommend a few tools to you for video to check out too. And useful tools that I use myself are Clips, InShot, VivaVideo, Wave.Video, Moovly and also Animoto.

Need to work on your video marketing?

Discover useful tips and get live support with marketing and video as part of the Evolve To Grow hub online

Remember to maintain consistency and be authentic. Send an email if you have any further questions!

Find out more about training and courses from insight2Marketing via this link: http://bit.ly/aski2mevents

What aspect of video marketing do you need help or support with?

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