Is networking even working for you or your business?

Is Networking Working For You?

Your network is your net worth and some of us aren't maximising opportunities. This used to be me. Attending networking events and not seeing any real benefits.

This blogpost shares some ideas behind the lack of positive results some people experience:

- You may not be networking with the right people

Tip 1: Do your research! who are you wanting to connect with? Find out who is attending the event before signing up

- You may not understand the meaning of effective networking.

Tip 2: Find out how to network effectively! There are lots of useful hints and tips out there. We even have a free handout on this at inspireUrBiz , an event run by insight2marketing.

- You may be overselling yourself

Tip 3: Have your scannable QR code or business card ready and be confident in speaking about your business, but don't oversell. People buy from people, so summarise your (brand) story, who you are and what makes your product or service unique.

- You may lack the confidence to network well!

Tip 4: Practice makes perfect! The more you get out and network the more confident you will become!

- You're attending the wrong type of events

Tip 5: Consider attending relevant local, regional, national and global events. For example, Meetups, breakfast mornings, trade shows, Clubhouse sessions and even recurring networking events are a few ways you may yield results! Latest events are here

- The theme isn't relevant to you

Tip 6: If your target audience is large corporate organisations with 250+ employees, then why attend an event aimed at small businesses? Do your research! Don't just sign up to every event! Look at the event format, guest speakers etc. If there's no relevant items on the agenda and it doesn't fit with your business agenda then why are you attending?


Sign up for alerts for networking events in your area. There are many different places you can find this information including your local business team at the Council and existing membership organisations like Federation of Small Businesses or Chamber of Commerce (as additional examples).


You're welcome to join us at any of our events on this website - or visit our LinkedIn page for updates here

Do you have any tips you would like to add? Feel free to share this post!

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